ReSPonSe: Real-time, Secure, and Privacy-aware Video Redaction System



  • Spring 2017-present

Project Description

This project is a part of the Tustworthy Health & Wellness (THaW) project, which is an NSF-funded project that tackles many of the research challenges to provide trustworthy information systems for health and wellness.

Nowadays the camera has developed into an indispensable and ubiquitous part of our life. However, the ever-increasing amount of cameras surrounding us raised privacy concerns among people, who find themselves easily captured by a camera without themselves acknowledging it. Motivated by the privacy challenges originated from the ever-increasing and wide-spreading cameras, this paper presents the Real-time, Secure, and Privacy-aware Video Redaction System (ReSPonSe), which aims at protecting private information in personal videos according to permissions of people-in-video for other viewers to view them in the video. This system innovatively separates the production of videos into two stages: Encapsulation and Decapsulation. The first stage produces neutral videos in real-time while the second stage provides privacy-aware video to the viewer revealing private content of people-in-video who grants access rights to that viewer. The evaluation demonstrates the capability of this system to protect private information in videos with high efficiency and accuracy.

Funding Agencies

This project is supported by the a collaborative award from the National Science Foundation (NSF award numbers CNS-1329686, 1329737,1330142 and 1330491).