Overview | Publications | People
- [June 17, 2009] The Mobile TEEVE system is presented at the Research Day @ Intel. Follow the Media coverage on WSJ, Forbes, Intel Press, CNET and Connected Social Media
- [September 3, 2008] Our paper Impact of Cache Partitioning on Multi-Tasking Real Time Embedded Systems received a Best Paper Award at IEEE RTCSA’08
Current 3-D teleimmersive (TI) environments face several challenges for deployment and practical use: They require professional hardware and special purpose operating systems with high cost, there are no distributed control protocols that allow seamless configuration and deployment and there is no holistic distributed infrastructure that allows portability, customization and hardware interface across different TI environments.
The Holistic Multi-stream Environment for Distributed Immersive Applications (H-MEDIA) group studies some of this challenges to allow software portability customization and multiple simultaneous TI room sessions in a real-time, robust and fault-tolerant manner. To achieve this goal the H-MEDIA group investigates system architectures that support:
- Correlated multi-streaming
- Real-time virtualization of resources
- Configurable, robust and fault-tolerant virtual networks
- Protocols for adaptive configuration and management of multiple TI rooms
- Scalable multi-display multi-view management of TI streams
- Portable multi-stream TI environments
Related Sites
- TEEVE: Tele-immersive Environment for EVErybody at UIUC
- MONET Research Group at UIUC
- FRIENDS Research Group at Purdue University
Contact Information
MONET Research Group
3101 Siebel Center for Computer Science
201 N. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801